
This blog is about my journey towards health. Not just weight loss, but total overall health.

Sunday, March 18, 2012

Day 5

30 minutes on the elliptical today. Yay! I exercised! Total calories consumed today were 965. The only real issue I'm having is a really bad taste in my mouth.
Been kind of a lazy day otherwise. Really tired.

Day 4

1446 calories. Sorry, didn't have time to update yesterday.

Friday, March 16, 2012

Day 3

I managed to get through the day without a candy binge. Yay! Total calorie count: 1314. I did discover today that one chocolate covered espresso bean contains 21 calories. Wow. So I only ate one. My dad visited from KC today and we made barbecued chicken on the grill. It was good. I roasted some red potatoes in the oven as well. My appetite is crap after taking all the vitamins, so I couldn't even finish off one breast. Which is okay; less is better.
Dealing with creaky back pain tonight; I can tell that there's rain coming soon. Hoping if I can get the weight off the back pain will decrease. Hopefully.

I'm afraid to step on the scale. What if I check and I haven't lost anything? Is it worth it? It has to be. My kids need their mom.

I don't have diabetes. I don't have high blood pressure. In fact, it was 110/72 at the dr office on Tuesday. I do get migraines, and I do have disc degeneration in my lower back. I'm aware I need to cut down on my caffeine intake, but I think I need to try to make the switch from diet soda to tea first.

I think tonight is going to be a bubble bath night after the kids go to sleep. Maybe tomorrow we'll go to the park and walk the trail...

Seriously...I never want to look like this again

Thursday, March 15, 2012

Day 2

Stuck to my calorie limit. Yay! I also taped pictures on my refrigerator to help encourage me not to eat. Hubby wanted Pizza Hut for supper, so instead of my favorite (barbecue stuffed crust), I ate thin crust ham and pineapple.

I figure I should probably post a side view picture of myself at the start of this journey. So, tomorrow, it should be posted.

Total calorie intake for today: 1220.

Motivation...I don't ever want to be this fat again!!!!

Wednesday, March 14, 2012

Day 1

My checkup on my knee was yesterday; it's still giving me some trouble, but not jarring up like it was. Talked to doc about my weight, which is and always has been a HUGE issue for me.
My first go round with Phentermine was in 2010. I started out at 276. From June until December that year, I managed to go down to 235. I list an additional 10lbs without medication between January to May 2011. Enter my year from hell.
We moved back to my hometown, and since then, I've shot back up to 270. So, enter the return of Phentermine. And a new doc, since I moved.
The difference this time around? I have to keep a food and exercise log. She specified the MyFitnessPal app; I have to print out my log and take it with me to my appointment in a month.
Yay. Joy. O happy day. Note the sarcasm in my voice!!!

But this blog isn't just supposed to be about weight loss. It's about my move towards a healthier way of living in all aspects of my life. There are changes I've made, one of which is music. I know. Music? Really? What's that got to do with anything?
My husband's gift to me on Valentines Day was satellite radio. He knows I love the Lithium channel. But lately, I've been listening to the Spa channel. Weird, I know, but right now, other music just seems too harsh. Other music just gives me a headache right now.

I've also started taking vitamins. A lot of them. Here's my current list:
Vitamin C 1000mg
Fish Oil 1000mg
Calcium w/Vitamin D 600mg
Folic Acid 800mg
Potassium Gluconate 99mg/595mg
Magnesium 400mg
Beta Carotene 25,000IU
CoQ10 100mg
Daily Multivitamin

Vitamin C 1000mg
Fish Oil 1000mg
Vitamin E 400IU
Selenium 200mcg
Probaclac X strength probiotic

Calcium w/Vitamin D 600mg
5-HTP 100mg

Vitamin C 1000mg
Fish Oil 1000mg
Calcium w/Vitamin D 600mg

I'm aware this is a lot. I'm also aware that this won't replace healthy eating habits. However, I've tried veggies and fish, and I hate it. Broccoli can't even make it past my lips without me gagging. But I have quit eating fried foods. I haven't eaten a potato in weeks. And I started my food log today. 1446 calories. I walked a mile today. And although the Girl Scout cookies are singing a sweet siren song, I've avoided them today. Mainly because I don't want to have to log it.

Man, this could suck.

I have to remember WHY I'm doing this, though. It's not to be skinny, which is something I never have been. It's to be healthy. I want to see my kids graduate High school and college. I want to play with my grand kids someday. I don't ever want to get diabetes.

I want to look in the mirror and not hate myself.

So, here's the end of dieting and Phentermine, day 1.